Missouri Hunger Atlas

New 2023 Edition Now Available

The Missouri Hunger Atlas 2023 visually engages readers to better understand hunger in Missouri. Through a series of indicator maps, tables and searchable data, the Atlas details the extent of food insecurity in all 114 Missouri counties and the city of St. Louis. The Atlas also assesses the performance of a host of public and private programs intended to help people struggling with hunger.

A new web application for the Missouri Hunger Atlas now provides a way to search for specific data based on year, county, and indicator.  Go to mohungeratlas.org to learn more. Key features and functions include:

  • County Tables for each county in Missouri (including the city of St. Louis) that measure rates of both food insecurity and program performance.
  • Indicator Maps that graphically illustrate patterns of food insecurity and program performance across the state.
  • Data Browser that allows for data to be selected, displayed, and download for select measures and counties.

The complete Missouri Hunger Atlas 2023  is available as a PDF download. Previous editions of the PDF booklet can be accessed at the bottom of this page.


McKelvey, B., Moore, B. & Rikoon, S. (2024). Missouri Hunger Atlas 2023. University of Missouri, Interdisciplinary Center for Food Security and Center for Health Policy.


Missouri Food Security Task Force and Final Report (December, 2023)

Won’t You Feed My Neighbor? A Film About Food Insecurity in Missouri (Missouri Humanities, September, 2022)

Previous Editions

Missouri Hunger Atlas 2019 PDF
Missouri Hunger Atlas 2016 PDF
Missouri Hunger Atlas 2013 PDF
Missouri Hunger Atlas 2010 PDF
Kansas City Hunger Atlas 2010 PDF
Saint Louis Hunger Atlas 2010 PDF
Missouri Hunger Atlas 2008 PDF


The Missouri Hunger Atlas is a project of the University of Missouri Interdisciplinary Center for Food Security and Center for Health Policy. Additional support is provided by the University of Missouri Division of Applied Social Sciences in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources and University of Missouri Extension’s Health and Human Sciences and Business and Communities units.