Feeding America Releases New Hunger Report
The nation’s largest hunger relief charity, Feeding America, released the findings from a recent survey of member agencies and food pantry visitors. The report sheds light on the real life challenges faced by individuals and families in the U.S. struggling to make ends meet. Well over half of Feeding America client households have to make…

Growing Gardeners
Grow Well Missouri, a project of the Interdisciplinary Center for Food Security that partners with food pantries to offer food gardening resources to pantry clientele, recently released the evaluation results from their 2013 gardening program. Despite some tough growing conditions around mid Missouri, nearly 90% of respondents noted that their gardens ranged from "very productive"…

New Report Reviews Healthy Food Access Research
Policy Link and The Food Trust recently released a joint report titled Access to Healthy Food and Why it Matters: A Review of the Research. Drawing on more than 300 studies published between 1990 and 2013, the report highlights the importance of improving access to healthy food for those living in low-income neighborhoods, communities of…

Food Bank Conference Brings Allies Together
Looking for ways to engage food banks and anti-hunger allies in a meaningful dialogue about long-term solutions to hunger, the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona hosted the inaugural Closing the Hunger Gap conference in Tucson in 2013. Sessions featured innovative organizations that incorporate nutrition education, community organizing, policy, economic development, and local food production…

New Missouri Hunger Atlas Raises Awareness of Extent, Depth of Hunger in Missouri
The Missouri Hunger Atlas 2013, recently released by the Interdisciplinary Center for Food Security, provides a county-by-county assessment of the extent of food insecurity in the state. The Atlas also measures the work of a host of public and private programs intended to help people struggling with hunger. First issued in 2008, the Missouri Hunger…

Food Assistance and the Farm Bill Debate
Amidst the current Farm Bill debate, University of Arkansas Law professor Susan Schneider offers a reasoned assessment of who benefits from federal nutrition programs, the efficiency in which the programs are implemented, and the economic impact of spending food stamp dollars in local communities. The article is featured in the Agricultural Law Blog, the official…

New Study Documents Extent of Hunger in U.S. Counties and Congressional Districts
Feeding America recently released Map the Meal Gap 2013 which provides estimates of food insecurity for every county and congressional district in the United States. The report also provides data and analysis on the percentage of the food insecure population that likely qualify for SNAP (i.e. food stamps) and other federal food assistance programs, along…

USDA Report: Disability a Risk Factor for Food Insecurity
A recent issue of Amber Waves, from the USDA Economic Research Service, reports on a new study showing that disability is one of the strongest factors affecting a household's food security status. The report states that in 2009-2010 "one-third of households with a working-age adult who was unable to work due to disability were food…

Summer Field Research Begins
The start of summer 2013 marks the third year in which Interdisciplinary Center for Food Security faculty and staff have gone to the field to hear the voices of people using food pantries in central and northeast Missouri. This large research project will gather data from approximately 1200 food pantry clients in 32 counties through…

Can $4 a day provide a nutritious diet?
That is the question posed by the Health Communication Research Center, a partner of the Interdisciplinary Center for Food Security, as their staff embarked on the Food Stamp Challenge in March. Limiting food expenditures to $28 dollars per week (the average SNAP benefit for a person in Missouri), they set out to learn about the…