Taking Stock of Missouri Food Pantries
Taking Stock, a series of regional reports published by Grow Well Missouri and the Interdisciplinary Center for Food Security, provides analysis and discussion to better understand the ways in which the management and operations of food pantries can be enhanced. Based on a survey of 204 food pantry directors, the reports highlight some of the…

Grow Well Missouri 2017
Grow Well Missouri started its fifth year in 2017 and expanded in to nine new communities. As before, the primary focus of the program is to establish food gardening programs that reach out to food pantry customers, helping them grow more of their own food and reap the many benefits of gardening. The program has a…

Exploring Long-Term Food Pantry Use
Newly published research in the Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition highlights the struggles of long-term food pantry users. With data from three rounds of food pantry client interviews conducted in 2005, 2010, and 2013, Interdisciplinary Center for Food Security affiliates Michelle Kaiser and Anne Cafer found striking levels of food insecurity among long term food…

2016 Missouri Hunger Atlas Documents Growing Hunger Problem
Hunger in Missouri continues to be a cause for concern. According to the newly updated Missouri Hunger Atlas, 7.9 percent of Missouri households struggle with hunger. An additional 8.9 percent of households report reducing the quality, variety, or desirability of their diets due to insufficient resources. In total, approximately 980,000 Missourians experience food insecurity at…

Missouri Poverty Summit Set for April 27
Registration for the 2016 Missouri Poverty Summit is now open! Hosted by the Missourians to End Poverty, a nonpartisan coalition, the summit will unite Missourians to address the reality of poverty in the state. Join local leaders from across Missouri as they present best practices and proven solutions to lift people out of poverty. The…

MU to Host ‘Universities Fighting World Hunger Summit’
The 2016 Universities Fighting World Hunger Summit will take place on Feb 26 and 27 at the University of Missouri in Columbia. The theme this year is "From Poverty to Promise." The summit will bring students, faculty, and professionals together to explore solutions to hunger at home and abroad. It will feature interactive sessions, renowned…

Grow Well Missouri Expansion
Grow Well Missouri is expanding! This winter, the project accepted applications from interested food pantries and community partners. The program will add six new food pantry partners in 2016. Each group will receive an assortment of cool and warm season bulk vegetable seed, materials for repacking and displaying the seed, attendance at a face to face…

Produce Sharing Project Pilots in Mid-Missouri
Gardeners and farmers across Missouri have another option for donating produce. Plant, Grow & Share links growers and hunger relief groups to increase donations of fresh, garden grown produce to low income families. To be involved, gardeners can visit the Plant, Grow & Share webpage and use the Feeding Missouri Agency Finder to find contact information about hunger relief…

Healthy Shelves Hits the Shelves
A new publication by the Interdisciplinary Center for Food Security, Healthy Shelves: Promoting and enhancing good nutrition in food pantries, was released in January 2015. This 24 page booklet offers tips and strategies for linking food pantries and community partners to get healthier food onto the shelves of pantries and into the homes of food…

Health Disparities and Older Adults
Delving deeper into the issue of health equity, the Missouri Foundation for Health recently released Older Adult Health Disparities in Missouri. The report examines the physical and mental health issues faced by older adults along with barriers to quality care. As noted, by 2030, 21 percent of the population in Missouri will be 65 or…